Hand-Tied Bouquet


Enjoy a variety of fresh flowers, fall foliage, and textural blooms loosely arranged, bound with a festive ribbon and wrapped in paper. Delivered in a glass vase with water to maintain its quality and hydration.

Photo is used as inspiration of the anticipated color palette & textural varieties. Exact varieties used will vary.

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Enjoy a variety of fresh flowers, fall foliage, and textural blooms loosely arranged, bound with a festive ribbon and wrapped in paper. Delivered in a glass vase with water to maintain its quality and hydration.

Photo is used as inspiration of the anticipated color palette & textural varieties. Exact varieties used will vary.

Enjoy a variety of fresh flowers, fall foliage, and textural blooms loosely arranged, bound with a festive ribbon and wrapped in paper. Delivered in a glass vase with water to maintain its quality and hydration.

Photo is used as inspiration of the anticipated color palette & textural varieties. Exact varieties used will vary.


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